Emedith Consulting

5 Highly Effective Skills Your Teen/Adolescent Will Learn at Our Upcoming Easter Sessions


It is obvious that normal school work being taught to teens at school these days isn’t just enough for their overall personal development and effectiveness; hence the need for more. Adolescent Life-skills enables teens/adolescents  thrive in school, among peers and life in general. The 21st century life skills are flexibility, initiative, social skills, pro-activity, and leadership.


Given the rapid rate of change in our world, the ability of teens to adjust and adapt is critical to the adolescents’ overall success. Teens need to learn to quickly analyze what is going on around them and make adjustments while keeping their goals at the forefront of their minds. By attending our adolescent sessions this Easter, your teen(s) will learn to make constant course corrections as they set goals, seek answers, choose career paths and so on…



The entrepreneurial spirit is founded on initiative. It is the willingness to step forward with an idea and take the risk of bringing it to fruition. It is not news that our changing economic landscape requires entrepreneurs. Therefore, teens need to learn how to set goals for themselves, plan how they will reach their goals, and enact their plans. By attending our adolescent sessions this Easter, EMEDITH CONSULTING will help your teen(s) take initiative by learning to question, plan, research, create, improve, and present.

Social Skills

Technology now allows people to belong to multiple tribes—teens at the same school, friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter e.t.c. In all of these environments where adolescents can converge, social skills are critical. This Easter, EMEDITH CONSULTING will help your teen(s) develop the required social skills such as Decision Making, Communicating Effectively, Emotional Intelligence e.t.c


Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events; this means using foresight. Planning well for the future can make life easier. Most times, we look to proactive people as the instigators of action and creative ideas in society. It is important for your teen to imbibe the essentials of being proactive, and this is only part of the many reasons why the EMEDITH Easter sessions will educate adolescents on the importance of being proactive.


Leadership is a suite of related skills that combines the other life-skills. Good leaders take initiative, have strong social skills, are flexible, and are proactive. EMEDITH CONSULTING has put together two captivating sessions that will be of major and significant value to your teen(s) both in their academics and future professional endeavours.Teeens

Register your teen for our upcoming Easter sessions

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION for Teens –Tackling the SOCIAL MEDIA Erosion and…

PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS – Maximizing the Teen Potential


These two full day teen sessions cost only N42,000.00 (Inclusive of VAT)  which will include our usual 3-course African/Continental buffet lunch that your teens love!

Places are limited so hurry and book your teen for this one time Easter bonanza as limited seats are available. To book call 09090404258 or 09090404259 or send us an  email at info@emedith.com stating your intention to book your teen(s)/adolescent(s) as well as the corresponding name(s) and we will reply with an invoice detailing session venue details and payment instructions.