Emedith Consulting

Effective Service Delivery


This course is designed for individuals involved in customer service delivery. It sets out key concepts and models for world class service delivery and enables participants develop a mindset dedicated to delivering outstanding customer service.


This course will help create and sustain a culture where every employee will recognize the value of providing exceptional service to customers.


Course Profile

Concept and Characteristics of Service Delivery

Customers and their Characteristics

Exceptional Customer Service Skills and Attitudes

Communicating with Customers

Service Delivery Models

Confidence in Customer Service Roles


At the end of the Session, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate what is expected of them as customer service providers
  • Describe exceptional customer service delivery
  • Articulate the benefits of outstanding customer service
  • Recognise barriers to delivering outstanding service
  • Develop skills and techniques for dealing with “difficult” or upset  customers
  • Develop an action plan for continual improvement of their customer service delivery skills.


Who will benefit

This course is for anyone wishing to gain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the key aspects of customer service and become confident in handling enquiries, complaints, and communications.